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St Augustine Beach 2015
Gifts and Memorials

"Life is all memory, except for the one present moment
that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going." - Tennessee Williams

Photo: St Augustine, FL Beach 2015

Geo Baker Daisies
Gifts and Memorials

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more,
but those giving more.” - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Photo by: George Baker

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From time-to-time, our members, their families and friends make gifts to the club. Some are donations from living members and friends, some gifts are made in memory of a deceased member, and still others are bequests from departed hiking club members.

The Gift Memorial Committee was established in 2014 to develop guidelines for the use of funds donated by these members, their families and friends. When donations are greater than $100, the committee confers with the donor, or for donations made in memory of a deceased member, with the donor’s family. The donor or the decedent’s family may direct how such funds are used by the club, including adding the donation to supplement existing special funds, like the Louise McDonough aluminum can fund, the Charles Lally fund (for speakers), the Jay Beswick trail, Outreach, and Camp Funds. Donations of less than $100 are added to pooled funds.

Although the committee appreciates the significance of personal memorabilia, given our lack of suitable storage and space, we cannot accept personal items like photographs and other memorabilia.

CHC is a club, not a 501c3 organization, so gifts and donations are not tax deductible.

If you have questions about or wish to make a gift to the CHC, please contact Joan Delahay, Gift Memorial Committee Chair, at [email protected].